As part of my role with Active Dorset, I was approached by the NHS Outpatient Assessment Centre Health Village at Beales in Poole. Part of the ‘Think Big’ initiative to help tackle waiting lists and bring diagnostic services closer to the community. They have been developing plans with partners across Dorset to run outpatient appointments in a completely different way and the clinic is initially covering dermatology, orthopaedics, ophthalmology and breast screening, with further clinics in the future.
The Health Village wanted a range of original art work designs, which could help signpost to one of Active Dorset’s partners, LiveWell Dorset, as well as public facing national campaigns such as We Are Undefeatable, and NHS Better Health. The artwork was to be displayed in various clinical settings such as breast screening and ophthalmology.
The final designs feature national campaigns and showcase people who are relatable to the different target audience who are visiting the Health Village. The artwork was funded by NHS Charities Together, and installed by Think Signs.
Competencies Used
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop
Branding Guidelines